Yorkshire Causeway Schools Trust provides a core set of policies across the Trust. Individual governing bodies focus their time and energy on the priorities of teaching and learning.  Statutory policies approved by the Trust board can be viewed via the links below.

Beyond these key policies the governing body of each school is responsible for its own individual policies to ensure each school has its own individual character and represents the priorities of its community.

The trustees of Yorkshire Causeway Schools Trust are reviewing policies across the Trust. During this time, each Academy will adhere to their existing policies which can be seen on their individual websites or by asking at the school office.

Trust Policies

Standard Terms and Conditions for the Purchase of Goods and Services
These conditions apply to all orders for the purchase of goods and services by the Academy from any supplier.

Complaints Policy
If parents or carers have occasion to express concern or make a complaint, this document outlines the procedure to be followed.

Charging and Remissions Policy
The 1996 Education Act requires all schools to have a policy on charging and remissions for school activities, which will be kept under regular review. This document provides more information about what schools may request.

Privacy Notice
Updated privacy notice in relation to General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

GDPR Data Protection Policy
The Trust is the Data Controller under the UK GDPR and will endeavour to ensure that all personal information is processed in compliance with this Policy and the principles of the UK GDPR.

Freedom of Information Publication Scheme and Charging Policy
This scheme commits the Trust to make information available to the public as part of its normal business activities, as required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Whistleblowing Policy
Procedure for those who wish to raise a genuine concern about suspected misconduct or malpractice.

Arrears Policy
Procedure detailing the measures that will be taken to collects debts as part of the Trust’s management of public funds.

LGPS Discretionary Policy 
Policy statement in relation to discretions under the Local Government Pension Scheme.

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